Acupuncture and Moxibustion- Oriental Health Promotion Methods 1

鍼灸漢方と健康づくり | ビッグママ治療室 |

Acupuncture and Moxibustion- Oriental Health Promotion Methods 1


For my physical condition management, I regularly receive acupuncture and moxibustion treatment, mainly hot moxibustion, and also take Kampo medicine.

I do not undergo these procedures for any symptoms.

From the perspective of “human understanding through oriental medicine,” I am in charge of health management to keep my kidney-qi and liver-qi healthy.

These are good enough for me to endure my serious back pain. And to deal with various symptoms.

As we walk the long way of life, we suffer from various diseases and symptoms.This is the same for me.

I think there is no magical potion to get a healthy body easily.

When we constantly care for our body and keep our mind in good condition,We can spend our days comfortably .

Even if you have symptoms or get sick, first, please understand yourself and lay the foundation of your physical condition.
If necessary, incorporate Western medical treatment.

This is how I live my life.-